I remember when blogs were cool, yeah those were the days. I'd say it was back in 2003 or something like that. Everyone would read a persons blog. I had a blog then, and it got me in deep trouble. I don't think it was even that bad, I said a couple things about dark black women, and fat people and my world goes tumbling down.
Black is beautiful?

First off since when was brown black? Her hair is black, but her skin is brown, she's ok looking, but she couldn't make me pop a boner that for sure.
I can't lie I saw this beautiful dark chocolate women at the airport last year, I was in aww of her beauty but I couldn't even try to get her number or anything since I have a girlfriend. I saw a couple other attractive dark skin black women on TV a 1 or 2 times throughout the year also.

Fat men are really cool.
I can't lie I use to have a friend named Kenny, and he was a super fat man. When ever we went to parties he'd get really drunk, and have ladies poke him in the belly and he'd giggle like the pillbury dough boy. You'd be surprised as to how much vagina a fat man can get, it's utterly amazing.
Fat women on the other hand, I won't even bother putting up a picture of a fat lady. Fat women can never be socially excepted into this world. They are gross, and contrary to the popular saying "Fat women need love too" they will not get any love from me. In my humble opinion fat women were put on this earth to make things that taste delicious, that is all. All fat women should be cooks, nothing more nothing less.
That is all.