Jacob Is Boring: I AM A GANGSTA

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


So I was taking pictures tonite, and ended up taking pictures of myself in my new leather jacket. I busted out the shades, and the NYC fitted and ended up looking like a gang member, I do think I'm rather convincing don't you think?
Doesn't this look just ooz NWA a bit? I fancy that I look like Ice Cube, all I need is a Jerry Curl, and a LA fitted and I'd be the spittin image.
Perhaps I'm missing something, possibly gold teeth, or a bit of bling bling around the neck? Maybe a pistol, I fancy the pistol of choice for gangbangers is their beretta, I know it's not the colt 45, that's a western type gun.

I feel I really got into character, if I said I was a gang banger I believe I could convince 1 or 2 of you that I was, and you bloody well believe it. On a side note I was upset the photos came out so blurry, but I think it adds flare.

Word To Ya Motha!


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Juliet Rose said...
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